Special 100th Anniversary of WWI Edition---In Flanders Fields: The Story of the Poem by John McCrae, written by Linda Granfield, with an introduction by Prof. Ron Jobe; Fitzhenry & Whiteside (Canada and U.S.) 1-55005-144-X (hc), 2005, 36pp. Ages 10 through adult. This book is a tribute to the famous poem, its creator, John McCrae, and to the poppy which has come to symbolize remembrance of the fallen in battle. Lines of the poem are interwoven with background information about the First World War, details of daily life in the trenches, accounts of poet-doctor John McCrae’s experiences in the field hospital and a description of the tragic circumstances that led to the writing of the poem in 1915. Paintings interpret the poem line by line. Archival materials also illustrate a text that is a moving testament for today’s readers of all ages. Themes: Lest We Forget, Character: Courage; Responsibility; Compassion *November 11 is Remembrance Day * September 21, International Day of Peace 1997 Red Cedar Award for Non-fiction, winner (The Young Readers’ Choice Awards Society of B. C.) Books for the Teen Age, (selected by New York Public Library) 1997 International Reading Association Teachers’ Choice Book White Ravens 1997 selection (Internationale Jugendbibliothek/International Children’s Library, Munich) 1997 Regional Winner of the Silver Birch Award (Ontario Library Association) 1996 Information Book Award (Children’s Literature Roundtables of Canada) 1996 Honour Book, Non-fiction (Canadian Library Association) 1996 Honour Book, text (Canadian Library Association) 1996 The Year’s Best (Resource Links) 1996 IODE Book Award (Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire- Toronto chapter) Our Choice selection (Canadian Children’s Book Centre)
Lighthouse: A Story of Remembrance written by Robert Munsch Ages 3 and up Young Sarah can't sleep following her grandpa's funeral. So she wakes up her dad in the middle of the night. He agrees to take her where Grandpa used to take him as a boy — to the lighthouse. On the way there, Sarah and her dad drink coffee and eat donuts — just as Grandpa would have liked. When they climb up to the top of the lighthouse, Sarah throws a flower out to sea in her grandpa's memory. Robert Munsch has crafted a heart-warming, tender story about honouring those who have passed and keeping their memory alive. Scholastic, 32 pages - ISBN 0-439-997458-5 hardcover ISBN 0-439-94656-5 paperback 8” x 10” Themes: Coping with the loss of a loved one. Best Book-Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, NYC
Imagine That! written and illustrated by Janet Wilson ages 5+ A fascinating illustrated history of the twentieth century. "On her hundredth birthday, Auntie Violet reminisces with her great grandniece, and wonders at all the changes that have taken place in her lifetime. Violet tries to imagine what she could wish for that hasn't already come true. By the time the cake and candles arrive, she has the perfect answer. This look at one of the most amazing centuries of all time offers a wealth of information. Topics range from inventions, fashion, history, and medicine to entertainment, toys, food, and transportation. Sidebars for each decade are color coded to match pictures within the illustrations, creating a search-and-find activity for all ages." 0773732217, 8 x 11, 28 pages, Trade Cloth, General, Fitzhenry and Whiteside